The Product - delicious strawberry
I had only tried the stuff once before, in the middle of a 100km race in 37 degree heat, and it was mixed wrong. The worst cramping I have ever had.
Fast forward to this year and I am loving E-Load. Mixed properly it has gotten me through long rides in much better shape than I historically had, I know that's hard for some of you Big Ringers to believe but it's true. It has even seen me though longer winter training sessions...
Like a true roadie, shades, no helmet and drinking in the stupidest way possible
Of course the sponsor offers more than one product, another favorite is EMEND. Post exercise recovery drinks for all your naked recovery....
Blogging and recovering all at once, I love technology.
Other than being tardy, what's morally wrong with my NGR? You would have to know me and somebody else on the team reasonably well to get it.
I assume you figured it out Lenny...
Hammer is where its at.
GOod taste.
GoOd variety.
You guys stuck on Eload and those other crystalized drinks gotta try Hammer stuff.
I used to (about 10yrs ago when i got my first mtb) go out and do poweline once and i was good, then one day i threw some eload in my bladder and was good to go for another loop, i've never gone back to plain water.
I think the part that is morally wrong is that its Lenny's old bike you're sitting on.
Correct. Lenny is still using it though, I believe tomorrow night.
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